ID needed - red berry bush
On Mon, 1 Aug 2016 18:38:24 +0100, Jeff Layman
On 01/08/16 15:01, melarish wrote:
This bush outside my window has ripe red berries and I'm wondering if
they're edible. It looks like a raspberry but slightly more orange and
with more spikes, except the spikes are soft. Can't find anything in
listings of common berries.
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If it is evergreen, it might be Rubus tricolor, although that has leaves
with a reddish edge and the stem hairs tend to be pinkish. It could also
be a hybrid of R. tricolor with any of the raspberries and their ilk
(including tayberries, loganberries, etc).
Looks like the type of wild red raspberry bush that grows along
roadway shoulders here, small berries but still quite edible albeit
large seeds... probably seeded by birds and other wild critters. I
think it best to remove it from your bedding plants before it takes a
foothold, they spread aggressively and their thorns are deadly. They
are best left to grow along rural roadways and in hedgerows, they make
excellent cover for song birds and other small critters.