Anthracnose on Tomatoes
On 7/22/2016 3:08 PM, songbird wrote:
John McGaw wrote:
I thought that I had it bad until the hornworms showed up a couple of days
ago. The first sign was grooves eaten into the surface of first one tomato
then a couple more. I found a couple of the nasty little things (well not
so little actually -- one was the size of my index finger) and killed those
manually and then I broke out the dusting gun and treated the plants. I
dislike using insecticides but if the tomatoes are going to last long
enough to be ruined by anthracnose I had to do something...
we go out and pick them off in morning before they
hide for the day. often they can be found by looking
on the ground for fresh droppings.
none have shown up yet this year, but usually it is
about this time we'll see damage from them.
I spray with a safe insecticide whenever they appear. They can strip a
plant fast and their green color makes them very hard to see. When you
see one there are probably more. I hear their moth resembles a
hummingbird in flight.