On Fri, 03 Jun 2016 15:49:30 +0100, Stephen Wolstenholme
My chilli plants are flowering outdoor. They have grown from seeds
that I bought by post from Joy and Michael Michaud at Sea Spring Farm
in Dorset last year ago but then forgot to plant them. I planted them
outside in March this year which is really too early. Fortunately it's
been warm and fairly dry up here in Cheshire.
After flowering the weather went back to cool and wet and so all the
flowers died and dropped off.
The one chilli plant that I did not plant out is now in flower. It's
strange how the one indoors was the last to flower. There are no wild
bees in the house so I'm doing the pollinating by hand. This morning I
counted 154 buds that had not opened yet and realised what a job I had
to do! Fortunately for me, they don't all open at the same time.
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