Bees in Loft
thescullster wrote:
These are definitely not wasps and almost definitelt bumble bees not
honey bees.
Where does that leave me?
I guess either put up with them, enjoy their pollination assistance
and hope they don't do damage.
Hit the access to their nest with wasp nest destroyer and hope it
resolves the problem.
I noticed at lunch time that they tend to hover in a group of six
around the entrance for a while before venturing into the eaves space.
They won't do any harm or damage to your loft and they are fairly docile, I
had one hovering around my feet for two hours when I went fishing last year,
I waved my hand towards it a few times and it went away but kept coming
back, it was then that I realised I'd put my box/seat over the entrance to
it's nest. I moved my box over a foot and it came and went all day without