lawnmower advice
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04-05-2016, 11:35 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening,uk.d-i-y
Brian Gaff
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2009
Posts: 10
lawnmower advice
The big issue i have had with electric lawn mowers apart from mowing cables,
is torque. These induction motors do not have a lot and hence when grass is
wet they slow down and the grass then gums up the wrks big time.
I now employ a gardener with a petrol mower and strimmer and everything is
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"Stephen" wrote in message
I bought a Bosch electric lawnmower around 2001-2002. It has an
induction motor, so it's fairly quiet. I have only had to change the
capacitor once. I have two grumbles with it: if the grass is slightly
wet, it doesn't go into the collection basket very well. Perhaps this
is a problem with all mowers? My other grumble is no matter which
direction I go in, I always seem to get the cable in the way.
Tonight I got the wire caught on something and the mower has stopped
working. I think the switch may have been pulled out of position. I
will have a proper look when I have more time, but it has made me
wonder whether it is time to look to upgrade.
My lawn is roughly 12m by 5.5m because at the moment it is all grass.
I hope in time, there will be a smaller lawn, a greenhouse, raised
beds, etc. but it is finding the time and the weather to do all that.
What do you think I should go with? No doubt electric is the cheapest
to buy but what about that cable getting in he way! What is the trick
with that? Could I consider a petrol model or isn't the lawn big
enough for one of those? I'm thinking there would be no pesky cable
then. I know there are rechargeable electric ones but I'm guessing
they are expensive and presumably the batteries do not last forever?#
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Brian Gaff
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