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Old 21-04-2016, 04:50 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2015
Posts: 215
Default Glyphosate and the EU

In article u,

Everybody has a cancer here.

Really? Here in the UK, half those aged over 55 will be diagnosed with
cancer. The commonest cause is smoking.

Those dead and those currently dying have all been chemical farmers.

That does not necessarily mean that their cancers were caused by their
occupation. In rural areas, where populations tend to be more stable,
familial genetic risks of cancer may be in play.

father in law was an agricultural worker who died from leukemia in the
cereal-desert of the Yvelinnes, his wife followed with a few more
diversified forms of cancer.

One of the risk factors for rural patients survival of cancer, could
be later detection.Maybe because hardworking physically active people
are used to being tired or sore so may be very late seeking any
diagnosis; maybe because state of the art screening diagnostic and
treatment facilities are more likely to be located in major cities than
rural areas.
