treat tulips as annuals. Tulips ? What tulips ?
On Mon, 28 Mar 2016 19:48:10 -0500, "Terry Coombs"
The rose garden is right outside the living room window ... we seldom get
any snow ... and I often look out that window at my bee hives . I'm pretty
sure if any critter was getting at them from the surface I'd have seen signs
. I suspect , as david Ross suggested , that these were a variety that
needed to be dug up after blooming . I bought them on ebay , and have zero
info about them . This fall I'll be getting some bulbs from my nursery gal .
Known quality , local support - she's got a horticulture degree - and always
willing to help and make suggestions , whether you bought it from her or
somewhere else .
I treat tulips as annuals and pick up 75-100 at Costco or one of the
Big Box stores. I don't think I ever spend more than $20 or so. We put
them into a bed up front in the fall, then after bloom, I pull the
bulbs and put tomatoes there. I am notorious in the neighborhood.
Sometimes I give away the bulbs I have pulled or replant a few here
and there.
Tulips are odd and fun. I have lived in this house 23 years and each
spring I wind up with unknown tulips popping up in places I know I
never planted any.