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Old 21-03-2016, 08:44 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Tom Gardner[_2_] Tom Gardner[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2009
Posts: 198
Default Vegetarian human poo in the veg plot?

On 21/03/16 17:53, David wrote:
People die from faecal contamination of food and water.
Even vegetarians.

Just so. OTOH it looks like it /might/ saves vegan...


"Iranian Villagers

Halstead et al. (8) reported that some Iranian villagers with very little animal
product intake (dairy once a week, meat once a month) had normal B12 levels.
None had megaloblastic anemia. Their average B12 level was 411 pg/ml which was
quite high considering their diet. The authors speculated this could be because
their diets, which were very low in protein, allowed for B12-producing bacteria
to ascend into the ileum where the B12 could be absorbed. They also speculated
that because they lived among their farm animals and their living areas were
littered with feces, they picked up enough B12 through contamination.

Halstead et al.'s 1960 report was in contrast to Wokes et al.'s 1955 report (9)
in which numerous British vegans were found to have neurological symptoms of B12