Disappearing lawn
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09-02-2016, 12:33 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2013
Posts: 128
Disappearing lawn
In article ,
lid says...
Mathew Newton wrote:
Actually, I think my issue is multifaceted and something of a perfect storm:
(Snip list)
... I also wondered if your extravagant and well intentioned subsoil might
have made a tempting home for crane flies whilst being too clean to contain
any natural controls (!) - the law of unintended consequences.
I will then give a treatment of nematodes
Don't forget the low tech option - the more birds come to your garden the
fewer crane flies there will be, and the more leatherjackets will get eaten
too. Unfortunately by different types of bird....
Thanks again to everyone for all the input - it has been really appreciated.
Glad to help. URG was always usenet at its best.
Well, he could make a start by laying a sheet of black plastic on the
lawn at night (opened-out compost bag) to bring leatherjackets to the
surface; then remove it in the morning and scatter a little bird seed.
Garden birds will quickly habituate to a regular food supply. Repeat
until the leatherjacket population dwindles.
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