Thread: Holly in shade?
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Old 05-02-2016, 10:45 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Another John Another John is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2010
Posts: 212
Default Holly in shade?

In article ,
Chris Hogg wrote:

First, dig the hole into which you're going to replant the bush, a
little bigger than the anticipated root-ball. Break up the soil in the
bottom, and sprinkle generously with bone meal. If it's at all dry,
fill the hole with water, probably not necessary in winter.

Then lift and move the bush with as big a root-ball of soil as you can
manage, as follows. Drive a spade straight down, all around the trunk
and 12 inches or more out from it, to cut long roots. Then dig out a
trench beyond that, about 12 inches deep, to allow you to cut under
the root ball with the spade. Then work a sack under it, and lift the
whole thing by lifting the sack. That will go a long way to keeping
the root-ball intact.

Carry/drag the shrub to its new position by lifting/pulling the sack,
and place in the hole dug earlier, making sure the soil level is the
same as it was before, i.e. don't bury the roots deeper than they
were, or have them standing proud. When you're happy that the shrub is
standing upright and facing the way you want, carefully remove the
sack. Back-fill around the roots and firm in all round with your feet.
Water well. Mulch with compost if you have any. Keep watered during
the summer if necessary. Fill the old hole with the remaining soil.

Thank you for that Chris. Particularly the bit about the trench as a
perimeter to the cut - in the past I'just levered the rootball out as
best I could - the trench and under-cut looks a better method.
