Orchid Flower life
On 02/02/2016 23:13, Bob Hobden wrote:
"Spider" wrote
At the moment, I have 17 phals. I also have quite a few paphs, cymbs
and cambria types, plus one Cattaleya. Well over 30 orchids in all.
This takes quite a bit of care. I try to water mine somewhere between
2 and 3 weeks, remembering to feed as well occasionally. I tend to
use a special orchid 'bloom' feed to encourage flowers, although my
cymbs get a very weak Tomorite feed whilst outdoors in the summer.
This seems to suit them. One of my cymbs had 5 flower spikes, another
had 7!! I have 2 others which are not up to flowering strength yet
because I had to divide them.
About five of my phals came to me via an elderly neighbour who can't
look after hers any more. She tended to water hers with cold tea
(less milk!) which she swore was good for them. What it has actually
done is stained the roots brownish-black which means they can't
photosynthesise through their roots. I tried to warn her this was
happening, but she continued with the tea regime. Even now I own
them, they all still have some stained roots and are weaker plants
because of it, and I've had them at least three years! Gradually,
though, new roots are replacing the stained ones.
What I find interesting is that I water about every 10 days in winter
and every week in summer or even more if it's really hot. Just so long
as they almost dry between waterings. It's why clear pots are so useful.
I used to water mine about every ten days but, with the years, the time
has slipped a bit. I'm sure your method is best. I suspect I've
shortened the flowering period of some flowering stems by being so
tardy. And, yes, I confess I much prefer the clear pots, although I
wish more of them had that basal rim which helps with drainage.
On high ground in SE London
Gardening on heavy clay