On 02/02/2016 20:51, David Hill wrote:
On 02/02/2016 15:53, Spider wrote:
On 01/02/2016 14:22, stuart noble wrote:
Bought this in the sale at Wyvale's. They have no idea what kind of rose
it is, and their records only list it as "climbing/bush", which isn't
very helpful. Mattocks don't appear to have a functioning email, so I
wonder if anyone can hazard a guess as to what type it might be. It's
about 4" x 4" and is looking pretty vigorous compared to our other
As Chris has said, you won't get an id until it is in flower, when you
can a)check it in Mattock's catalogue or b)post it here again so we can
all have a go, and admire it at the same time.
In the meantime, I would use some very sharp secateurs to cut away the
die-back (where the rose stem has been pruned too high above the
selected bud and subsequently died back to that bud. If left, the
die-back could travel further down the stem (db is a fungal disease) and
gradually kill it. If you're in any doubt as to the damage I mean, look
at the spindly shoot near the base of the rose which is pointing Front
Left. It is so spindly, you might as well remove it all together. One
or two other of the main stems are also showing signs of die-back, but
they're very close to a joint. Not easy to trim, but if it were my rose
I would try.
I don't see the problem.
You have got a couple of e mail addresses for Mattock's
Email them with a close up of the label which has the bar code, they
should be able to identify it from that.
David @ a side of Swansea bay that was actually rain free all day.
Except the barcode is Wyvale's, and *their* records only tell us it's a
rose! I'll take Spider's advice and see how it looks in the summer.
£17.99 full retail price, so hopefully something a bit special