Orchid Flower life
"Roger Tonkin" wrote
Over the weekend the last flower on my phal orchid fell off,
after the single stem (albeit branched) had been in open flower
for 6 months and 2 days. The last flower hung on alone for
about 3 weeks.
Is this a normal flowering period, or short or exceptionally
That is perhaps longer than most but they can be in almost constant
flowering. We have a white one that as one spike has dropped it's flowers
they have opened on the other. Good value plants considering what cut
flowers cost and how long they last.
You may find your local Sainsbury's still has some Orchids for sale at £5
each, they seem to get some in every year in January and we have bought a
few over the last couple of years.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK