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Old 13-01-2016, 06:47 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_5_] Nick Maclaren[_5_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 596
Default Mineraly enriched soil?

In article ,
Martin Brown wrote:

In Tesco yesterday I noticed that their premium parsnips claimed to be
grown in Mineraly enriched soil.
Any ideas whay this could be other than soil with fretilizer in it?

Soil contaminated by heavy metals?

I suspect it may mean grown in China where they have a habit of using
cheap Rare Earth minerals as fertiliser with allegedly good results.
Been going on for a couple of decades now (eg):

I'd be wary of the thorium content of such minerals YMMV.

I can't find anything much that isn't behind a paywall but if you have
academic access then a search on REE fertiliser China ought to get it.

Then try 'rare earth toxic'. We do so need to get rid of the EU
nanny state and back to the glorious days of yore, when merchants
were allowed to sell freely without having to obey ridiculous
restrictions. What's wrong with sugar of lead in wine, or copper
in pickles? And why should manufacturerss have to forced to disclose
their secrets, like the ingredients?

Nick Maclaren.