Thread: Rhubarb
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Old 04-01-2016, 10:06 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
News[_3_] News[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2014
Posts: 20
Default Rhubarb

In message , Martin Brown

Rhubarb is pretty robust so I would split it if you need to.


When I bought my first house in 1975, my Grandfather split the root of
rhubarb on his allotment, and gave a piece to me. I planted, then split
again when I moved house and have been doing so, ever since. The root
is in my eighth garden, plus splits given to my brother and split again.
several times. Locations varied from Herts, Essex, Somerset, Berks to
Aberdeenshire today.

None of these divisions were timed to suit the rhubarb, and once, when I
had to rent, the root spent a year in a disintegrating cardboard box,
and survived. I confidently expect that rhubarb to keep going after the
end of the world :-)