Thread: Rhubarb
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Old 02-01-2016, 11:29 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Fran Farmer Fran Farmer is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2014
Posts: 459
Default Rhubarb

On 3/01/2016 2:29 AM, Roger Tonkin wrote:
I have a large clump of ruhbarb that I was intending to lift
during the winter, split it up and distribute some to friends,
leaving it out in the frost for a bit, then replanting.

However, with all the rain and mild weather, it is now begining
to show signs of growth, so can I still split it up?

I have a big garden and often don't get the the tasks at the time/season
that I should do so took to heart the advice of one horticulturist,
super duper gardener who also has a huge glorious garden and rare plant
nursery. He said that the time to do garden jobs is when you get to
them or think of them. He said he usually lifted and moved daffodils
whilst they were still in flower or the flowers were looking bedraggled.
When asked why as doing that is a no, no, his response was that if he
left the daffs till the 'right' time, he'd have forgotten what they
were, where they were and so he did it when he saw them/thought he had
another place he wanted them. He than went on to say that, yes, he
might prune something now and therefore lose next year's flowers but in
his big garden there was always something else to see or admire and it
was better to prune sometime rather than not at all and he'd never yet
killed a plant by doing what he did. I've found that to be good advice.

He's one expert whose advice I now trust. He does it rather than reads
about it.

I'd be astonished if your rhubard popped it's clogs or suffered any real
problems after being dug at the emergent stage.