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Old 16-12-2015, 08:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin[_2_] Roger Tonkin[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 459
Default To compost or not?

Following up on the potato line, I was turning this years heap
into the next container, and came across 2 small, perfectly
sound potatoes about half way down. My guess is that they must
have got there about 3-4 months ago. How I wonder. They could
have come from some stray peelings that got in and grew,they
were to small to be commercially bought from a shop, and I do
not grow potatoes any more.


In article -, says...

In article -,

We recently had an ammount of cooked green veg, cabbage etc
left over from a dinner party.I wanted to put it on the compost
heap, but, swmbo said that you can not compost cooked food. Who
is right? To my mind whilst the texture may have changed and a
few additives like salt included basically raw & cooked are the

Thank you for all the response, I'm glad I was right!

Strangely I never compost potato peelings, my mothers advice
some 55+ years ago. She said that potatoes would grow from
them. I'm sure it is one of those old wives tales, but such
long held habits are hard to break.

Roger T

700 ft up in Mid-Wales