Ignorant Asda - tomatos
On Wed, 09 Dec 2015 20:39:37 -0000, David Hill wrote:
On 09/12/2015 13:12, Tough Guy no. 1265 wrote:
Why have Asda got tinned tomatos in the vegetable aisle?
Because people use them as a vegetable.
I for one don't want Tomato with custard as a desert even if it is a fruit.
So screws in B&Q should be on every single aisle, because you could use them for all sorts. What a stupid way of deciding where to put something. When I want a tomato, I look at the signs above the aisles, and look for the category it belongs in.
Off topic.
Today we came across Grilled Watermelon on a menu
Is this unusual/funny/impossible/ridiculous in some way? I don't do a lot of grilling.
Lemon entry my dear Watson.