AmericanEnglish again
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08-12-2015, 09:54 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,869
AmericanEnglish again
"Janet" wrote in message
.. .
In article ,
"Martin" wrote in message
On Sun, 6 Dec 2015 09:12:51 +1100, Fran Farmer
On 6/12/2015 8:43 AM, Christina Websell wrote:
"David Hill" wrote in message
On 05/12/2015 20:44, Christina Websell wrote:
Americans think they speak English, I can assure them that they
Glad that has been sorted out once and for all.
grin Americans used to speak English once: now it's American.
I saw a very interesting TV show quite a few years ago on just this
topic. It suggested that the English now spoken by Americans is more
like the English spoken in the UK a few centuries ago than the sort of
English now spoken in the UK.
The show cited both words still used by Americans that have changed use
over time in the UK and the accent. One example I recall is the way
Americans still use the word "kettle" (ie, a cooking pot, not a spouted
water boiling thingamabob) which is the way it used to be used in the
centuries ago. Also the accent in the long "a" when American say
is the way it used to be said in the UK centuries ago.
The way bath is pronounced in UK depends on where one comes from.
English is constantly evolving and it evolves from the UK.
Nonsense. English is like Japanese Knotweed; once it leaves its native
habitat and escapes into the wild, it rapidly adapts to new conditions
and can no longer be said to belong exclusively to Japan or the
it's our language
Hardly! It used to be numerous other peoples' furrin languages before
we acquired them second hand.
Maybe henceforth you're going to eschew the use of any such word that
came from Latin, French, German, Hindi, Irish, Dutch, Norse, or Greek.
True English only evolves in the UK.
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Christina Websell
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