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Old 27-11-2015, 10:50 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening,uk.d-i-y
stuart noble stuart noble is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2008
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Default Scaffolding Boards in the ground.

On 26/11/2015 21:53, alan_m wrote:
On 26/11/2015 21:15, Phil L wrote:
Tim Lamb wrote:
In message , Phil L

"john west" wrote in message
At our Allotment there is the general attempt by members to place
scaffolding boards around the edge of their planting areas and also
to lay down plastic sheet covered with wood-chip on the surrounding
paths. This keeps the loose earth contained behind the boards at the
edge and the paths free of wet mud.

These scaffolding boards are about £13 each and after a few years
partly buried in the ground start to rot away.

Is there a cheaper and more durable alternative to the scaffolding
boards, to do this job ?

I have in mind perhaps something like overlapping imitation roof

Why imitation roof slates? - why not roof slates, granted, they can
be a bit sharp if you fall on the edge, but imitation ones would be
the same, you can get old slates from any roofer

Grateful for any *inexpensive* alternatives to scaffolding boards.

You've only a choice between slate (or concrete), wood, metal or
plastic, wood and metal will rot, plastic is too brittle, bends and
is too expensive, which only leaves something solid

Gravel boards? 6'x1' £6.50 flea bay.

Yeah, something like that would be ideal, they can be had for a fiver
from any fencing place, an prob a bit cheaper than the scafolding planks

Eternit tiles or old slate are about the same price IIRC. 350mm slabs
cut in half about the same too