Blaby tomato
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15-11-2015, 02:35 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2013
Posts: 128
Blaby tomato
In article ,
Martin wrote:
There have been articles in the press and programmes on TV about wasted food for
I agree, and I suspect the numbers on waste have been jiggered to include
the entire distribution chain. Fresh veggies have a lot of loss and waste
just in the trimming. Years ago, I volunteered at a food co-op. We
charged double the wholesale price for produce, and that was just about
Of course, we "mature" frugal types make soup/stock/compost with the
trimmings, so it isn't _really_ wasted!
I don't know anyone in the UK baby-boom generation who does throw
stuff away; we were brought up with food rationing, "make do and mend"
and "passing it on" etc and those habits were ingrained in us. We're the
Squirrel Generation of savers, recyclers, menders, skipdivers,ironers of
wrapping paper, knotters of used string, etc.
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