"Martin" wrote in message
On Tue, 10 Nov 2015 23:36:44 -0000, "Christina Websell"
"Martin" wrote in message
. ..
On Mon, 9 Nov 2015 23:39:36 +0000, Malcolm Race wrote:
See Hugh Feranley-Whittingstall program on Food Waste - it should now be
on i-Player
No thanks.
We aren't allowed to access iPlayer.
Yes, I know he is irritating, but it's worth watching. Try it and see
you think.
I read the comments in The Guardian about the factual errors in the
And he was in a supermarket taking some of the vegetables out of the
shopper's trolleys and throwing them away. When challenged, he said
something like "well, that's what you're going to do anyway, I'm saving you
the trouble"
I hope he had a security person nearby.
He took some stuff away from an elderly woman and I'm not up for that (and
neither was she, by the look in her eyes). Had the cameras not been there,
and she wasn't polite, I think she would have swiped him round the head.
I hope he reimbursed her. IME elderly people don't waste much food and are
very good at using the last bit of everything because pensions don't go far
plus they know how to cook.
I'm not quite elderly yet, but almost nothing foodwise is wasted here. I'm
glad Hugh didn't try it with me.
Whilst it's a good idea to alert us to food waste, which is rife in the
people-who-earn-a-lot, taking veggies from a pensioner is beyond the pale.