Thread: Blaby tomato
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Old 08-11-2015, 08:57 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
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Default Blaby tomato

"Gary Woods" wrote in message
For those who like to read of rescues, here's the Seed Saver's Exchange
description of Blaby:

I'm growing a foliage turnip, Horpaczi Lila, that a friend got some years
ago from the East German seed bank.

The mind boggles at what must be stashed at the Svalbard bank!

I sowed two Blaby tomatoes, one germinated. Huge plant, some massive
tomatoes. I got the seeds from my German friend who always sends me
interesting seeds from the Netherlands seed bank every Christmas for a
present, I have some rare beans, mainly French types waiting to be sown.
Tried to swap runner beans seeds, but they don't do well there. Because
when it's summer, it's hot for weeks and I don't think the continental
climate is suitable. French beans do well there.