Dealing with Allotment Grass on Plot
"john west" wrote
Just recently taken over someones Allotment plot that has a good coating of
What is the easiest way of getting it ready for planting please?
Should i just try to shave off the turf with a spade or do i need to turn
the turf upside down with a fork?
Grateful for suggestions please?
The first thing is, is it just meadow grass or is it Couch Grass (also
called Twitch) with strong but easily broken thick white roots. If the
latter your only option is to use the weedkiller Glyphosate and give it time
to work and kill the grass which it will do even at this time of year
Scraping off the top bit of soil is scraping off your best soil so a bit
silly IMO. You could just dig and turn the grass in making sure it's covered
when it will rot by next spring.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK