Dealing with Allotment Grass on Plot
On 11/04/15 12:48, john west wrote:
Just recently taken over someones Allotment plot that has a good coating
of grass.
What is the easiest way of getting it ready for planting please?
Should i just try to shave off the turf with a spade or do i need to
turn the turf upside down with a fork?
Grateful for suggestions please?
The ideal solution is to double-dig the plot, and put the turf, grass
down, at the bottom. Full double digging is probably overkill, unless
the soil is deeply compacted, but doing that to a single spit depth
would be good, and very little more effort than simply digging it over.
For a description, get a copy of "The Vegetable Garden Displayed".
And remember: Dig For Victory!
Look up a history of that booklet to see the joke, but it's still
useful and the pictures are worth looking at.
Nick Maclaren.