On 02/11/2015 15:57, Bob Hobden wrote:
"Martin Brown" wrote
Chris Hogg wrote:
Martin Brown
Most of my lilies have died back now for the winter but one stem in a
very sheltered spot near the house has stayed alive and is now forming
new plant like buds at various leaf joints up the stem.
I have seen this behaviour in sedums before but never on lilies.
I guess the sharp frosts followed by mild weather is responsible but
anyone else seen this?
Do you mean bulbils? http://tinyurl.com/nhgbd2n
Yes, but I have never seen anything like these for size before.
I have had bulbils grow so large they were perfect miniatures of a lilly
bulb scales and all.
That is exactly what I am seeing but only on one single stem out of
about twenty. The rest all died off normally.
Martin Brown