OT - computer question
"Jeff Layman" wrote
Not at all perverse - in my opinion Win8 and Win10 are to be avoided. I
won't be downgrading my half-dead Win7 laptop to Win10 anyway. As it
happens, I do everything under Linux now.
I'm surprised that you will have to redo the labels. Can't the manufacturer
of the program/ printer help out with any conversion necessary? Anyway,
redoing 3500 labels shouldn't tax you too much. When I visited Roseland
House earlier this year you seemed to have all the time in the world,
Charlie. ;-)
Must say I love Win 10, have it now on my originally Win 7 PC and on my
originally Win 8 tablet. Personally I think it's the best OS Microsoft has
brought out, combines the best of 7 with the best of 8.1.
I had no problems at all changing my Dell PC, everything worked, including
the HP printer, immediately but then I had waited for the instruction to
tell me it was available. The tablet, which I forced to update, I had
serious problems with and eventually did a clean install of Win 10 which has
left it working better than ever.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK