Watering Can
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30-10-2015, 08:00 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2013
Posts: 128
Watering Can
In article ,
Over the years I have had various watering cans, from a couple of
Haws 7 litre plastic (both eventually cracked) to something very
much cheaper which lasted about as long, but has just reached the
end of the road.
I'm not a heavy user, as it is easier to get the hose out for a
serious bit of watering. I reckon that it is sunlight rather than
abuse that sees them off.
Should I go for a metal can this time, or is rust just as likely
to cause its demise?
OTOH perhaps I should just be content that if I can still lift it
by the time it expires, I'm the winner?
I agree about sunlight seeing off plastic ones; they never last more
than a few years.
I inherited a galvanised watering can which I've had for 30 + years and
is probably older than me; it's left outside all year round and hasn't
rusted yet, though its original rose is long gone. I've never got round
to finding a proper replacement. I usually end up holding on a plastic
rose with one hand :-)
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