Thread: OT spiders
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Old 27-10-2015, 02:14 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
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Default OT spiders

"Janet" wrote in message
.. .
In article ,

On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 18:33:11 +0100, "Christina Websell"

"Broadback" wrote in message
This year our house has been inundated with large spiders. Thank
neither myself of my wife a frightened by them. Almost every morning
are one, and sometimes 2, in the bath. Where are they all coming from?
is not the same one as they are flushed away each morning.

It's spider breeding season. The boys are on the march after the girls.
Please do not flush them down the plughole, they will die if you do.
them in a towel and put them outside. I was once very afraid of spiders
I've progressed to "scoop up in fluffy towel and flap outside"
I can't do the glass/cardboard thing. The minute the spider runs up the
glass, I drop it.


I prefer the glass and card trick. with a towel, tissue etc I cannot
see where the spider is, with the glass I can.


With the towel method there's always the chance it will run back up
the towel, over your hand, up your arm and into your hair

quick, nurse; the smelling salts


Not if you flap the towel outside. I can't do the glass thing because it
runs up the glass and then I drop it because I can see it. Fluffy towel
doesn't hurt them and works for me.