Thread: OT spiders
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Old 22-10-2015, 11:26 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
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Default OT spiders

"Chris Hogg" wrote in message
On Mon, 12 Oct 2015 17:49:51 +0100, "Christina Websell"

"stuart noble" wrote in message

I have struggled with fear of spiders all my life but it's not their
it's mine.

I don't think it's anyone's fault. It's an instinctive thing that's hard
wired into our brains from way back.
I've trained myself to pick them up by closing my hand over them. They
freeze and play dead, which makes it a whole lot easier. Dustpan and
works well too IME

I absolutely could not pick a big spider up with my bare hand although
picking up moths and beetles to put them outside is not a problem.
Haven't tried the dustpan and brush, probably won't in case it runs over
hand. I can't do the glass and cardboard method either. Because even
I know it's safely in the glass if it runs up it into my hand, I drop it.
My favourite and current method is the big fluffy towel, gather them up in
it and flap it outside.

A good few years ago, we had a cat who loved to eat them. If there was
a spider in the bath, SWMBO would put the cat in with it and within
moments the spider would be eaten.



My cat eats spiders (even huge ones) that appear in my house.
Even if he's asleep on my lap, he notices spiders and jumps off my lap and
gets them. Chomp.