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Old 22-10-2015, 05:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Phil L Phil L is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 159
Default growing onions/red varieties

"David Hill" wrote in message
Off topic a little,
I bought some red onions a couple of weeks ago and when peeling and
chopping the first one I found my eyes watering.
That's when it dawned on me that with the ordinary onions you don't get
your eyes watering like they used to.
David @ a damp side of Swansea bay where we have been having Light rain
for most of the last 24 hours.

I think it might be the way they are stored by the supermarkets.

I get onions from a farm shop and they take your breath away when you cut
them open.

When my dad used to grow onions when we were all little, we'd have garden
fresh salads regularly (toms, lettuce cucumber, onions, celery, radishes
etc, all picked, washed and chopped within 20 minutes of teatime!) and the
onions on the plate were still 'bleeding', white milky sap, you didn't need
much of that on a cheese butty to know about it.

Most supermarket ones today can be eaten like apples, they're more sweet
than hot