Thread: Well, I'm back
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Old 19-10-2015, 08:31 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Nick Maclaren[_6_] Nick Maclaren[_6_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2015
Posts: 8
Default Well, I'm back

On 10/19/15 18:32, Jeff Layman wrote:

Why did you choose to use TRN4 as your newsreader? As you are using
Linux, why not use something like Thunderbird or Pan?

This is an attempt to reply using thunderbox, since trn seems to be
bizarrely broken as far as following-up goes. Let's see if THIS

Because, configured and run in rn mode, it has the least loathesome
ergonomics. I tried pan, and it's unspeakably ghastly (even if it
worked reliably, which it didn't). Thunderbird is a (nasty) mail
client, not a newsreader; while I have configured it as the latter,
it's ergonomics are horrible, too.

Note that I don't object to competently designed pictorial interfaces,
and once used to use xrn, but anything based on (now wash my mouth out
with soap) curses or its camp followers is even worse than pan.

Nick Maclaren.