Thread: OT spiders
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Old 12-10-2015, 08:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Christina Websell Christina Websell is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
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Default OT spiders

"Pam Moore" wrote in message
On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 19:09:13 +0100, "Christina Websell"
If the OP wishes to get rid of them, simply scoop up on Try the
fluffy towel approach. They don't deserve to die because I have an

unreasonable fear of them.
And it is unreasonable. I know that they cannot harm me but it makes no
difference about their scariness. The bigger they are, the worst the fear
But it's not their fault, so I try not to harm them.

Nicely said Christina! I hate them too. It's totally unreasonable I
know, but I try not to harm them. Two yers ago I bought from Amazon a
"Spider catcher" but so far I've not seen a spide in the house!
Garden spiders don't bother me, other than their webs which get me
when I walk down the garden.
Live and let live.

I'm not fond of garden spiders either if they are very big and fat. I take
a cane with me to go down to the chickens every day to sweep them away.
They are not harmed, it just means a lot more work for them to get their web
repaired for the next day, and then it happens again. I hope they will
realise that building their web just a foot away from the path will be a lot
less trouble for them ;-)
I don't find garden spiders as horrifying as big house spiders but the
really big fat ones, no. Don't like them.
I think size is the issue with me.

Boyfie, my cat, is excellent with house spiders if they are on the floor.
He just jumps on them and eats them. He curls his lip up when he eats them
so I guess they aren't very nice to eat.
If they are on the wall, he will chase them up to 4 feet but otherwise it's
up to me.
Once, there was something in the kitchen sink plughole so I got it out. It
felt like wire, so I thought "what can be in here that feels like wire?"
It was a massive spider that had obviously drowned. But how my cat can even
think about chomping them when their legs are like wire, I don't know. He
does it anyway.

He likes a spider hunt. He's really good at it.