OT spiders
On 11/10/2015 10:12, Stephen Wolstenholme wrote:
On Sat, 10 Oct 2015 11:44:12 +0100, Broadback
This year our house has been inundated with large spiders. Thank
goodness neither myself of my wife a frightened by them. Almost every
morning there are one, and sometimes 2, in the bath. Where are they all
coming from? It is not the same one as they are flushed away each morning.
Don't flush the spiders away they have just fallen into the bath and
can't climb out. Catch them in a glass and put them out. Don't catch
them in your hand as some UK species pack a bite which you probably
won't feel but may react to. They can be quite dangerous. About ten
years ago my wife developed a large red swelling on her arm. The
doctor immediately diagnosed it as a spider bite. Apparently it's due
a spider that comes for Madeira spreading north over the warmer parts
of the UK. We live in Cheshire so it's definitely been around here for
over ten years.
Are you sure that the spiders will survive outdoors, or may they die a
slow death?