On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 10:44:41 +0100, Broadback
On 09/10/2015 10:30, Stephen Wolstenholme wrote:
On Fri, 9 Oct 2015 10:04:19 +0100, Sacha
On 2015-10-09 07:13:31 +0000, Bob Hobden said:
"Emery Davis" wrote
stuart noble wrote:
I've been wondering the same thing. Sacha?
and Twitter.
Yes, I'm on both and have a personal page and a page for the Nursery.
There are many gardening groups on Fb, covering a wide range of
different types of gardening. I resisted Facebok and Twitter for a long
time but have learned rapidly that they are what you make of them and
that it's very easy to avoid those you don't wish to encounter. Groups
on Facebook can be closed, private groups or open to all.
I used Facebook for a few weeks and set up some groups but it never
really suited my needs so I gave it up. I much prefer Usenet because
it's all in one place as I am. Just on click and all my newsgroups and
emails are brought up to date. I suppose if I was mobile with portable
gadgets my preferences would be different.
Me, I do not trust them, they are, to my mind, very intrusive.
Intrusive, time wasting and anti social. All the modern "social media"
devices discourage people communicating. Facebook and Twitter are the
worse offenders.
Today my carer got some messages while she was cooking lunch. After
lunch she sat with me responding to the messages. It took her about 15
minutes during which she wouldn't speak to me!
Another one of my carers has to communicate with her two sons using
Facebook because they won't answer the phone when she rings.
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