Roundup Gel - how much to use
On 05/10/2015 13:53, Stephen Wolstenholme wrote:
On Mon, 5 Oct 2015 13:46:12 +0100, Martin Brown
On 05/10/2015 13:38, Stephen Wolstenholme wrote:
I find pulling weeds up is just as effective as weed killer. It takes
a few years before they give up trying.
The fastest way is a combined physical and chemical attack.
Depending on quite how pernicious the weed is weaken it with weedkiller
and then dig up or dig up and then spot weed any new growth the moment
it surfaces. Ground elder needs the former treatment to zap it.
I've never even seen Ground elder.
If it invaded my garden I would probably eat it as it's supposed to be
It is supposed to be a remedy for gout. That is why the Romans grew it.
Even a 1/4" piece of the thick white root missed will be a new plant.
A neighbour rotivated a plot with it in and increased his problem with
the stuff by an order of magnitude.
Martin Brown