Roundup Gel - how much to use
On 04/10/2015 20:00, Ralph Holmes wrote:
I'm trying to eradicate a collection of nettles and other weeds from my
summer bulbs bed using Roundup Gel.
Nettles are quite shallow rooted and can be easily pulled up with
leather gloves and a fork to loosen the soil.
How much gel do I need to use?
- a dab on one leaf?
- cover all the leaves?
- a smear over a few leaves?
The instructions on the container seem enthusiastic but are not very
Anybody know?
A few growing point leaves ought to do it but it is already a bit too
late for this year as most deciduous plants have already stopped growing
and will not be badly affected by glyphosate any more. They have to be
in active rapid growth for it to work well (and takes about two weeks).
It is now too cold for that at least where I live.
Save the stuff for next spring and remove the weeds manually for now.
Martin Brown