Insects thrive on GM 'pest-killing' crops
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26-04-2003, 01:31 PM
Larry Caldwell
Posts: n/a
Insects thrive on GM 'pest-killing' crops
(Gordon Couger) writes:
While the rest of the word debates the benefits of BM crops We have punt in
125 acre of drip irrigation for drip irrigated no till cotton in west Texas
and as soon as we get the water quality reports we will start planing our
actions in south west Oklahoma. In Oklahoma we may no be able to get enough
water to obtain maximum production so we will be clanged to find a program
to get the most from the water with cotton, alfalfa and possibly another
crop the could stager the use of water so they could all benefit some while
cotton was using the most in the summer. Out farmer in Texas is making bale
or better cotton with 20 inches of rain and 150 GPM on 170 acres under low
evapratortoion center pivot. We put in enough water for the drip it should
make 5 bales on a good year with the right weather. That way simulate
amounts of water did this year did this year.
Exactly. If GM cotton does not perform as advertised, you will find out
in a hurry. Farmers will listen to seed salesmen once, but the real
proof is in the bottom line.
I'm glad to hear that the beneficial insects thrive on Bt Cotton. That
sure beats applying enough insecticide to kill everything.