On 01/09/2015 15:53, Tough Guy no. 1265 wrote:
I have a large area of bushes, which I've chopped down with a brush
cutter. I'm now left with the roots and stubble. The trunks of the
bushes were up to an inch thick, and there are lots clumped together in
places. What's the easiest way to get rid of it all so I can plant a
Time and/or a large amount of effort with a scaffold pole and fulcrum.
It would have been a lot easier if you had left a 3-4' thick stem on
each bush to use as a lever after digging down with spade and fork.
I know there's "roundup root killer", but presumably it would
take years to rot afterwards. I know there's a thing called a stump
grinder I could hire, but all the ones I've seen around here have a
vertical blade which doesn't look like it's suited to cutting lots of
roots, more for a big stump. I was looking for a machine like the one
in method 2 of 4, he http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Tree-Stumps
You can drill in load it with potassium nitrate and wait for it to rot.
Martin Brown