Transplanting a plum tree - ??
In article ,
Vir Campestris wrote:
On 22/08/2015 19:56, Another John wrote:
Our plum, now about 6 years old, is getting bigger (what a surprise). I
guess that the body of the branches would be about 15 feet high
(tallest, longest sprig grown this year), and about 10 feet wide.
I'm thinking I'd rather have it in a different part of the garden: is
it feasible to move it, this winter?
It's certainly possible. What do you mean by feasible?
Ha ha. Yes, of course: anything is possible. I was not precise enough,
was I?
By "feasible" I meant is it a practical proposition for myself, possibly
with a friend, without using massive mechanical assistance? And/or:
have others here done this?
Looking again at the tree, and the diameter of its trunk at knee level
(about 5" now) I'd guess the answer is No (given that I am beginning to
admit to myself that I am past my prime).