"Roger Tonkin" wrote
My blueberry plant is fruiting well. I seem to be picking the
ripe berries every couple of day, but that is not doing my back
much good!
Do buleberries stay ripe on the plants for a week or so (like
currants) or do they go squashy and bad (like raspberries)? I
would rathr only pick once week for a longer time, than several
short periods.
Thanks for the replies, I'll leave them for a week or so and
see what they are like.
I lost a lot off an early plant to the birds, who somehow
managed to find ways into the net that I could not. I've now
put a second net draped over he plant, and also hung CD's on
the netting, and I seem to be wining!
I'm freezeing a lto of ours, as I've found they defrost well
and you wouldn't know they've been frozen.
It may have been mice not birds, the little bs even climb my cherry trees
and when we had redcurrants I used to find little piles of them under
cabbage and rhubarb leaves etc, hidden for later.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK