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Old 11-08-2015, 04:05 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default weedol vs roundup?

On Tue, 11 Aug 2015 08:42:35 +0100, Martin Brown

On 10/08/2015 15:13, lid wrote:
We've had a problem for years with weeds in our garden. A couple of
times an allegedly professional gardener has put down weedkiller,
which has not been effective.

Here are some jpgs of the weeds as they are now.

I've previously tried Round UP which has killed everything, grass and
weeds, yet the weeds still re-emerge a few weeks later.

I phoned today to who told me I should try
weedol, apparently this clears out the weeds but does not harm the
grass lawn.

That is completely incorrect - they want shooting!
Weedol is just another kills everything glyphosate weedkiller.

Although some also contain(ed) paraquat. It is very confusing now that
the marketting men have muddied the waters with established brandnames
reformulated with completely different ineffective ingredients.

Only "Pathclear" would be a worse choice for use on a lawn!

"ICI" Verdone lawn weedkiller is the broadleaf specific lawn weedkiller.

The clue is in the name!

I think the one I need is "Weedol Gun! Lawn Weedkiller 1L"

Advice, please? Is weedol the "magic bullet", is roundup definitely
not advised, are there other products which could suit?


Is it hell. The people who advised you are clueless idiots.

I am trying to understand which option would work best for the weeds
as pictured above.

(1) One option would be to put down a "kill everything" weedkiller
such as Round Up, wait for both grass and weeds to die, and then
(maybe a month after application of weedkiller) put down grass seeds
to recreate the lawn.

Does that option sound sensible? I am not a gardener so I would like
to know whether that is a possibility.

(2) The other option would be to put down selective weedkiller which
kills weeds but not grass. Round UP is plainly not in this category.

Looking at;

they are all "weed and grass killers". Is it correct that Round Up
does not manufacture "weed only" killers, they all act on grass also?

The UK website for Round Up is;

their phone number is Tel: 0845 190 1881

they can also be reached at;

they also have;

the weedol products are;

weedol path clear
weedol rootkill plus
weedol fast acting
weedol ultra tough
weedol lawn

The product which interests me most is;

"Pre-diluted ready-to-use selective weedkiller spray that gives
season-long control of broad-leaf weeds without harming the grass.
Ideal for spot treatment or treating small patches of weeds within the

The same product is at;

"Formulated for use on lawns
Selective weed killer for broad leaved weeds"

The best of these for my application seems to be;

Opinions? Advice? tvm