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Old 07-08-2015, 10:01 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Divingbrit Divingbrit is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2009
Posts: 37
Default Fuchsia cuttings disaster

On Thu, 6 Aug 2015 20:12:22 +0100, "Phil L"

two out of the 22 have succumbed to a fungal like mould, I've whipped these
two out in case it spreads, all the others appear to be doing OK.

Might just have been a bit wet, but your success rate has improved a

The ones in the shady fern pots mentioned above are thriving....they're
hardy so I'll probably leave them where they are over winter unless anyone
suggests otherwise? - It's easy enough to move them into the greenhouse

Hardies are only hardy once they have been grown on, they will need
the same conditions as tender Fuchsia's in the first year, then when
you have a decent size plant, they can be planted in the garden, hardy
fuschsia will die, if kept in a pot outside in anything accept the
mildest winter.
At the end of the first year, plant very deep! 2 or 3 inches deeper
than when they were in a pot, don't worry if you bury the bottom
leafs, aim to get the root ball 4" below the surfuce.

Your fuchsia will then return every summer for many years.