Thread: mystery bulbs
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Old 27-07-2015, 10:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Phil L Phil L is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 159
Default mystery bulbs

Re-landscaping someone's garden at the min, laying paving etc and I've
excavated a flowerbed in order to pave over it.
There are hundreds of bulbs there, I've salvaged a bucketful but no idea
what they are, google images isn't helping.

They have no roots coming off the bottom, are pure white, no skin (tunic?)
they're about 1.5 inches round, they look like new potatoes! also they have
an indentation on top where previous growth has been.

I suppose the closest match I've found is grape hyacinth, but they seem to
have a reddish tinge and these have no other colours anywhere other than

if they are grapes I'll probably not plant them here as they tend to go a
bit berserk