Bumper apple crop this year?
"Jeff Layman" wrote in message
Despite the strange weather this year, the apple tree (unknown variety of eater, but
looks to be 40 or 50 years old) is covered in apples.
Anyone else getting a good crop of top fruit?
From the land of 'no summer', virtually no apples this year and a friend
in Dornoch's apples trees are just in bloom. Cherries pollinated well
but all have dropped off with the recent frosts. Good crop of strawberries
but they are inedible (dark red but hard and sour). The apricots (in the
greenhouse) gave a good crop but no sweetness or flavour due to lack
of sun - the nectarines will probably be the same.
The one good thing about gardening is that there is always next year!!!
Northern Highlands of Scotland