Bumper apple crop this year?
Despite the strange weather this year, the apple tree (unknown variety
of eater, but looks to be 40 or 50 years old) is covered in apples. So
much so that I've had to prop up one of the branches which is touching
the ground. And that is after the June drop and thinning out! I'm
wondering what will happen as we finally got some rain yesterday - 30 mm
- and no doubt the apples will swell and add even more weight to the branch.
Looks like a decent crop of plums, too. Actually, I'm not sure what they
are, as they are around the size of a damson, but a lighter burgundy-red
colour. I thought the tree was just ornamental, as it has attractive
purple-bronze leaves, and flowers fairly early. We've been here three
years, and this tree, which is, I guess, as old as the apple tree, only
had a couple of dozen fruits last year, and none the first year.
Anyone else getting a good crop of top fruit?