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Old 23-07-2015, 05:21 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Fran Farmer Fran Farmer is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2014
Posts: 459
Default Tropical fruit seeds

On 23/07/2015 5:37 AM, Jeff Layman wrote:
On 21/07/15 15:15, Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
Pam Moore wrote:

I can recommend not bothering with dragonfruit, though the flowers
are very attractive. There are quite a lot of others, including
tree tomato (a small tree) and passion fruit, but all are a bit iffy,
and keeping them under control might conflict with fruiting.

years ago Bob Flowerdew recommended Guava as a good plant to grow from
seed obtained from the fruit, but I have never seen a guava on sale in
supermarkets. Has anyone tried?

Yes. No joy, but I suspect that the fruit was picked green and
'ripened' artificially, from the lack of taste. That's why I don't
usually bother with sub-tropical fruit in the UK - people who have
never had ripe ones are more easily satisfied. And guava seeds are
very hard, so might need chipping.

Well, there are guavas and guavas. I expect quite a few people are
growing a guava without knowing it, as Acca (previously Feijoa)
sellowiana - pineapple guava. I grew one of these for years in Horsham,
often enjoying the petals as a nibble, but never seeing fruit. Until
about 10 years ago, when I got a couple of kilos of fruit. I can't say
that I particularly liked the flavour, of the fruit itself but it made
an extraordinarily interesting and tasty chutney.

That's interesting and also a coincidence as I was just reading up on
Feijoas this morning as mine need pruning to get better fruit set.

I had thought that Feijoas weren't considered to be 'real' guavas. I
found out that they are considered gross feeders and I clearly haven't
been feeding mine enough but based on what i read, it's now time for me
to dig out the fert and spread some around.