On Wed, 22 Jul 2015 12:05:11 +0000, Emery Davis wrote:
On Wed, 22 Jul 2015 12:55:52 +0100, Janet wrote:
In article ,
It might if you have a kiwi fruit of each sex (need both for fruit) as
they can be grown and will fruit where I live and we get down to -6 to
-9 regularly. They need protection form wind though.
It has no trouble surviving winter temps here (mine are warmer than
yours) The problem is the temperature in what we laughingly call
"summer".(Yours are warmer than mine).
They're certainly grown around here, where the climate is Devon-like
more or less. Can't say I've ever seen a locally grown fruit though.
BTW there is now an self-fertile cultivar now, 'Jenny' is one, there may
be others. See
whoops, hit the wrong button. Meant to add
Has anyone grown the hardy kiwi Actinidia arguta I wonder?
Gardening in Lower Normandy