Can you take cuttings from an Acer?
On Tue, 21 Jul 2015 21:12:29 +0100, Phil L wrote:
If so, what's the best way to propogate? - I realise it might be years
or even decades before it resemble something taller you could buy from a
nursery, but i wouldn't mind giving it a go if it's possible
Depends on the Acer. Acer rubrum, no. Acer cappidocicum, yes.
If what you're talking about is some Acer palmatum cultivar, the answer
is equally variable. 'Orange Dream' is quite successful, as is
'Bloodgood'. 'Butterfly', not so much.
It used to be thought that cutting grown Japanese Maples often failed
suddenly several years on after striking. But the Dutch have come up
with a method that seems to avoid this.
Still there are not many for which cuttings work, which is why you only
see a few cultivars of cutting grown palmatums in the stores, the rest
are grafted. And even in the best of cases it's quite difficult, we used
to just answer your question with a straight "no". Japanese maple
cultivars are almost always propagated by grafting, which is cheaper and
far more reliable than cuttings.
Gardening in Lower Normandy