On Tue, 21 Jul 2015 21:08:18 +0100, "Phil L"
I've tried everything and I'm still getting 80+% failure with these things.
Taking 100's of cuttings every year, a few simple rules, and you
should get 95%+ success rate
, some say use hormone powder,
Not nessary. (in fact if the powder is older than 6 months, chances
are its no good for anything)
I've been taking a 3-4 inch cutting from just below two leaves and removing
any flower buds, I've been taking off surplus leaves leaving just two plus
the growing tip.
Cutting far too long, I never take anything longer than 1" but apart
from that you are correct. If the leaves you leave are still larger
than your small finger nail, cut those in half as well.
once they go into compost, they're shrivelled up within days.
over or under watered, and try putting them in the shade.
I've tried various light levels from full sun to full shade and not really
part shade is fine, but not full sun.
I've tried them with and without clear bags (for humidity) and this hasn't
made much difference neither.
Try coffee jars! (thats the way I do mine)
Do they have a preference with regards to compost? - I've tried three
different brands and not noticed that any is better than another.
compost should open and mixing with vermiculite helps, personally I
use any cheap compost as long as I add sharp sand and vermiculite
Is fertilizer a good or bad thing?
Not required
Is it the wrong time of year?
No, cuttings can be taken at any time, but I take most of mine in
But I don't take cuttings if it is too hot, and certainly last month
was too warm
- I thought if I took them late, they wouldn't
have time to root before winter.
Small plants are easier to get through winter, thats why I take
cuttings in September.
Now coffee Jars!
Check this out